The Synergy between Chiropractic and Nutrition in Autism Treatment - Advance Rehab

The Synergy between Chiropractic and Nutrition in Autism Treatment

Brisbane Chiropractor, Scott Wustenberg, speaking in a Podcast for BackChat, explained the long journey he and his wife have been on to unlock the key to successful Autism Treatment for their own daughter, Maeghan.

Initially, a healthy, happy baby and toddler, she began to withdraw from the world and become more and more non-verbal and unresponsive. He took Maeghan to see many different Healthcare Providers in specialities including Paediatrics and Audiology in search of answers about what was happening to her.

Throughout this time, with the knowledge that a correctly adjusted spine and a body in balance is vital to correct neurological development, he continued to give her Chiropractic checks and took her to other Chiropractors both in Australia and New Zealand.

Scott realized that Nutrition held the key because of the way that food affects both the body and the brain. Because she had refused so many foods, he and his wife, like all concerned parents had been anxious for her to eat something – anything – and had allowed her to make some very unhealthy food choices until almost all she would eat, were ‘white foods’ bread, toast, potato chips and very little protein other than yogurt or a sausage.

Listen to the podcast for yourself , and you will learn the amazing transformation that Maeghan underwent when Scott removed all gluten and dairy from the whole family’s diet. It took five days before she would even try the nutritious food he had prepared – and as you can imagine, this was an extremely harrowing time for both Scott and his wife but, as Scott says – “there was no way we could allow her to win”! At the end of that five-day period, Maeghan finally gave in and began to try this new, healthy food and by the end of that week, went from being a totally non-verbal child who would only use grunts, to using single words and then, whole sentences! Despite her childhood diagnosis with Autism, Maeghan is at High School in a mainstream class and doing well.

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